The Clarke Museum's Native Plant Garden
In 2021, the Clarke replaced and updated the planters outside of the museum to feature artwork by Jenna Catsos of Pen + Pine and native plants used for food, medicines, and tea. The intention is to have the garden as a tool that can be used to show visitors what these plants look like, how they are sustainably harvested and use them in museum programming.
Thank you to our sponsors and donors who made this project possible.
Funds will be used for ongoing maintenance of the garden and printing informational brochures about the garden for visitors.
Plants in the Garden
YarrowWoodland Strawberry |
Scientific Name: Achillea millifolium Yurok Name: me-chaa-nep' Karuk Name: achnat'apvuyhiich or kuchich'apvuuy Other Names: gordaldo, nosebleed plant, old man's pepper, devil's nettle, sanguinary, milfoil, soldier's woundwort, thousand-leaf, and thousand-seal Uses: steeped in hot water and drank as a tea Scientific Name: Fragaria Vesca
Wiyot (Soulatluk) name: lash and lashulwat Other names: wild strawberry, alpine strawberry, Carpathian Strawberry, European strawberry, fraisier des bois Where they can be found: Dunes, however the Wiyot have transplanted them to locations inland. They can also be found in a wide range of habitats that include hardwood forests, mixed woods, swamps; edges of woods, cedar swamps; rocky woodland and damp ledges. |
Huckleberry |
Scientific Name: Vaccinium ovatum Wiyot Name: vou'gul (huckleberry)/vou'gulhat (huckleberry bush) Yurok Name: cheee-gery (berry) nerh-per-yuuep' (plant) Hupa Name: chwilch Karuk Name: miithipar/mithipara (red huckleberry), purith (CA Huckleberry), purith'ipan (huckleberry bush) Uses: berries for food and leaf tips for tea |